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Isha Hatha Yoga Retreats near Berlin
"Yoga is about rising to a new level of balance and competence in all aspects of life. Yoga is towards creating a sense of inner fulfillment, where there is no need to lean on anyone or anything."
~ Sadhguru
Immerse yourself in daily yoga and meditation practice; start every morning with Guru Pooja, learn new yoga practices and chant the powerful Nirvana Shatakam.
Improve and deepen your Sadhana through review and correction sessions with the full support of experienced Isha Hatha Yoga teachers and establish/re-establish your own daily yoga discipline.
Learn to cook yummy Isha Recipes, green smoothies and other vegan raw foods. And explore the beautiful nature surrounded by serene forest and lakes with other like-minded people.
If you are interested to know more about our retreats, please feel free to contact us. Or click here and we will get back to you. :)
Upcoming Isha Hatha Yoga Retreats
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